Bee's Hive

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Old double school desk

By now you all know I like old things. I'm not sure when I got this double desk, but I know I had it when my son was born in 1963. I have both the back seat that you sit on and the front piece that you write on with the seat for the next row attached. I think that must mean that I have the desk that was last in the row.

I know I bought it from an antique store in Limerick, Pa. and the lady said it came from a local one room school. Don't know if I believe that or not, but I sure do love it!

Along with the desk I have also gathered an ink well that doesn't fit the desk, wooden school pens, a pair of old glasses with wire ear pieces and lots of old books like Dick & Jane and Uncle Wiggily.

Come to think of it, my slate blackboard is perfect with this!

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